Power School Instructions
- Link to PowerSchool for Parents
- How to set up PowerSchool Account-English
- How to set up PowerSchool Account-Spanish
- How to Login to PowerSchool Quick English and Spanish
- How to set up Email setting on PowerSchool to get email notification-English
- How to set up Email setting on PowerSchool to get email notification-Spanish
- Download: PowerSchool App-Google Play
- Download: PowerSchool App for Apple
- How to use video: PowerSchool App (District Code: MPKF)
CMSA is using PowerSchool, an online platform designed to help parents, students, and teachers stay connected and engaged in the educational process. PowerSchool provides a centralized location for accessing grades, attendance records, assignment details, and teacher comments. Through PowerSchool, parents can monitor their child's progress in real-time, communicate with teachers, and stay informed about school announcements. This tool empowers families to play an active role in their child's academic success and fosters a strong home-school partnership. Please click following links for additional support
CMSA utiliza PowerSchool, una plataforma en línea diseñada para ayudar a padres, estudiantes y maestros a mantenerse conectados y comprometidos en el proceso educativo. PowerSchool proporciona una ubicación centralizada para acceder a calificaciones, registros de asistencia, detalles de tareas y comentarios de los maestros. A través de PowerSchool, los padres pueden monitorear el progreso de sus hijos en tiempo real, comunicarse con los maestros y mantenerse informados sobre los anuncios escolares. Esta herramienta permite a las familias desempeñar un papel activo en el éxito académico de sus hijos y fomenta una sólida asociación entre el hogar y la escuela. Haga clic en los siguientes enlaces para obtener asistencia adicional.