Enrollment Information
Enrollment Family Support - PowerSchool Community
9th Grade New Student Applications: https://www.cps.edu/gocps/high-school/hs-apply/
CMSA Student Application and Lottery Policy 23-24 SY
I. Student Application Process
All applications will be completed through the school website which requires
nothing more than basic level information like name, date of birth, home address,
sibling information, and parent contact information (please see other
attachment), and whether the student is currently under expulsion or not. If a
parent does not have access to a computer, one will be provided at the school
for parents to complete the application. The deadline for applications is March 3,
2024 for grades 6,7,8,10,11 and 12. To apply to 9 th grade, please apply thru
The Lottery will take place at Chicago Math and Science Academy, 7212 N
Clark St, Chicago, IL 60626 on March 8th, 2024 at 1:30 PM.
The school follows the below rules for the student application and lottery process:
1)The school may enroll any student who resides in the school district.
2)The school does not discriminate in the admission of students to the school based
on race, creed, color, religion, intellectual ability, sex, identity, sexual orientation or
any other factor.
3) Upon admission of any student with an IEP or 504, the school will comply with all
federal and state laws.
4) The school shall not give any preference to students based on intellectual ability,
measures of achievement.
5)The school will not offer or provide incentives to parents of prospective students.
6)The school will not admit students that exceed the capacity of the school’s
programs, classes, or grade level.
All applications will be completed through the school website which requires
nothing more than basic level information like name, date of birth, home address,
sibling information, and parent contact information (please see other
attachment), and whether the student is currently under expulsion or not. If a
parent does not have access to a computer, one will be provided at the school
for parents to complete the application. The deadline for applications is March 3,
2024 for grades 6,7,8,10,11 and 12. To apply to 9 th grade, please apply thru
The Lottery will take place at Chicago Math and Science Academy, 7212 N
Clark St, Chicago, IL 60626 on March 8th, 2024 at 1:30 PM.
The school follows the below rules for the student application and lottery process:
1)The school may enroll any student who resides in the school district.
2)The school does not discriminate in the admission of students to the school based
on race, creed, color, religion, intellectual ability, sex, identity, sexual orientation or
any other factor.
3) Upon admission of any student with an IEP or 504, the school will comply with all
federal and state laws.
4) The school shall not give any preference to students based on intellectual ability,
measures of achievement.
5)The school will not offer or provide incentives to parents of prospective students.
6)The school will not admit students that exceed the capacity of the school’s
programs, classes, or grade level.
Sibling Priority
IL Charter School Code requires that priority shall be given to siblings of pupils
enrolled in the charter.
enrolled in the charter.
II. Lottery Process
The entire lottery process will be open to the public and anyone is welcome to
attend. The lottery will be videotaped. A representative of the lottery, and a
recording of the lottery will be submitted to the school’s charter school authorizer.
Each applicant will be assigned a number. The numbers will then be drawn at
random. The first number drawn will be the first new applicant placed on a
permanent waiting list and so forth. The school may separate lottery and waiting
lists for each grade or age grouping.
Method for Conducting Lottery
CMSA will utilize electronic randomization at https://wheelofnames.com
https://wheelofnames.com/ at https://wheelofnames.com
https://wheelofnames.com/ it accelerates for precisely one second, the
degrees, and finally, it decelerates to a stop. The setting of a random rotation is
not visible to the naked eye. This process is quite random, within the limits of
what computers can do. The random number is created by browser’s Javascript
CMSA will follow the below steps:
Copy and paste the names in the textbox to the right of the wheel
Read each applicant’s name (winner) aloud and show it to the audience
over the big screen and project the winner’s name.
Click to remove the winner’s name from the
roster and click to spin. Repeat the above
steps until all names in the textbox are
exhausted. Repeat the above process for
each grade level.
The entire lottery process will be open to the public and anyone is welcome to
attend. The lottery will be videotaped. A representative of the lottery, and a
recording of the lottery will be submitted to the school’s charter school authorizer.
Each applicant will be assigned a number. The numbers will then be drawn at
random. The first number drawn will be the first new applicant placed on a
permanent waiting list and so forth. The school may separate lottery and waiting
lists for each grade or age grouping.
Method for Conducting Lottery
CMSA will utilize electronic randomization at https://wheelofnames.com
https://wheelofnames.com/ at https://wheelofnames.com
https://wheelofnames.com/ it accelerates for precisely one second, the
degrees, and finally, it decelerates to a stop. The setting of a random rotation is
not visible to the naked eye. This process is quite random, within the limits of
what computers can do. The random number is created by browser’s Javascript
CMSA will follow the below steps:
Copy and paste the names in the textbox to the right of the wheel
Read each applicant’s name (winner) aloud and show it to the audience
over the big screen and project the winner’s name.
Click to remove the winner’s name from the
roster and click to spin. Repeat the above
steps until all names in the textbox are
exhausted. Repeat the above process for
each grade level.
Notification of Parents
The results of the lottery will be posted on the school website within three
business days and parents will be notified. In addition, parents will receive an
automated call and/or email from the school within three business days. The
lottery results can be available anytime.
Enrollment and Registration Policies
The school does not conduct any intake activities as a condition of enrollment.
Any applicant who completed the necessary paperwork and whose name was
selected will have to confirm with the school their acceptance within three
weeks. Should the parent express disinterest or not reply in the three-week time
frame, the spot will be offered to the next student in the waitlist. The waitlist will
be maintained and kept up to date throughout the entire school year.
The results of the lottery will be posted on the school website within three
business days and parents will be notified. In addition, parents will receive an
automated call and/or email from the school within three business days. The
lottery results can be available anytime.
Enrollment and Registration Policies
The school does not conduct any intake activities as a condition of enrollment.
Any applicant who completed the necessary paperwork and whose name was
selected will have to confirm with the school their acceptance within three
weeks. Should the parent express disinterest or not reply in the three-week time
frame, the spot will be offered to the next student in the waitlist. The waitlist will
be maintained and kept up to date throughout the entire school year.
Notification of the Authorizer
The results of the lottery as well as a copy of the videotape will be transmitted to
the authorizer within ten business days. Any designee can observe the lottery
process, any designee is welcome to attend.
Waitlist Submissions to the Authorizer
A waitlist will be generated if there are more applicants than the number of open
spots in a particular school year for which the lottery is held. A copy of the waitlist
for admission to the school will be seen in the submission of quarterly financial
statements. The waitlist will indicate which students were removed. The waitlist
will be maintained and kept up to date throughout the entire school year.
The results of the lottery as well as a copy of the videotape will be transmitted to
the authorizer within ten business days. Any designee can observe the lottery
process, any designee is welcome to attend.
Waitlist Submissions to the Authorizer
A waitlist will be generated if there are more applicants than the number of open
spots in a particular school year for which the lottery is held. A copy of the waitlist
for admission to the school will be seen in the submission of quarterly financial
statements. The waitlist will indicate which students were removed. The waitlist
will be maintained and kept up to date throughout the entire school year.